Composition No. 3
Composition No. 3 was a long piece back when I wrote it, which was written shortly after my first two compositions. It is my first piece with a more noticeable change in dynamics and tempo.
Program note
Composition No. 3 is highly reductionistic. It is based on a common tone harmonic movement between F major and F minor. This movement is also very typical of numerous pieces by Philip Glass. The score is divided into 9 sections (marked in the score) where various patterns of this harmonic movement are played. The last section is based on only three chords: Fmaj9, Fm9 and Fmaj7. This resolution is not very firm (it could further continue perhaps like this: I6 - V7 - I, or even: I6 - viim7♭5 - V7 - I/V), but that was not the intention. The ending now seems to suggest that there is something more coming after.